Common Reticulation Issues: Find Repair Experts in Rockingham

Reticulation systems play an important role in dry areas. It makes sure that your gardens and parks remain green. Larger landscapes such as outdoor pools or commercial properties need a top-notch reticulation system to ensure flow of water. But brown patches on your grass or dead plants can be a sign that your reticulation system is not working efficiently. This is where a reticulation repair expert is required. A Reticulation Specialist ensures that your garden and lawn can truly flourish. But how to figure out these signs? Most importantly how to find reticulation repair experts for your garden? Let’s see.

Some signs of a defected reticulation system are easy to detect while others might seem fine at a first glance but can lead to a major issue later on. The above ground issues are easy to detect. When you see a drying plant or sprinkler system not popping out, these are some of the signs of a defected reticulation system. However, underground issues are hard to detect.

Common Reticulation Issues

You’ve probably come across a broken sprinkler system that doesn’t pop up, but there are a number of issues you are not even aware of. It comes to your attention when it’s already too late and your retic system is more damaged than before. Therefore, you should have at least some knowledge of issues, repairs, and its preventative maintenance. Although you can do D-I-Y but it only gives a temporary fix. And most importantly you should do D-I-Y to an extent only otherwise it might cause severe damage to your reticulation system.

Understanding these issues will give you some idea as to when to call reticulation repair experts. Let’s see what these issues are.

1. Leaky valves: This is a pretty common issue where the valves are filled with dirt and debris. Another reason for this could be loose or broken pipes, cracks, and holes in the valves. Cleaning might help fix this issue but a permanent solution will be to replace it with a new one. A reticulation expert will trace the broken pipe and fix it immediately.

    2. Blockage Issues: Blockage happens when there is accumulation of unwanted material such as sand inside the pipe or in some cases roots start growing inside it. This causes a significantly slow flow of water and in extreme cases water completely stops flowing.

    3. Poor installation or design: This happens when people D-I-Y think they can install a reticulation system all by themselves and it leads to incorrect installation. Sometimes, inexperienced companies also make the same mistake. Inadequate designs can also cause malfunctioning in reticulation systems.

    4. Insufficient Pressure:  Both low pressure and high pressure are a disadvantage to your retic system. Low pressure can be a sign of accumulated dirt and debris or even broken pipes can affect the flow of water. High pressure can cause uneven watering resulting in damaged plants and wastage of water.

    High pressure can also damage components of the reticulation system such as pipes, valves, and sprinkler head. This will burn a hole in your pocket because the repairs or replacements are costly.

    5. Backflow of water: It happens when water starts flowing opposite to its direction. This can severely contaminate the clean water.

    6. Corrosion issues: If your retic system is really old, chances are this will cause corrosion in your pipes and valve. Corrosion can also contaminate your water over time leading to blockages.

    7. Broken parts: A broken sprinkler head can cause heavy water wastage. Immediately call up a reticulation technician to fix this issue.

    8. Faulty automation: Automation system definitely eases our life until it stops working. A malfunction in a pressure regulating device can lead to irregular flow of water distribution.

    9. Airlocks: If there is any air trapped in the system, it can break the flow of water.

    10. Poor quality of water:  Contaminated water includes viruses, bacteria and hazardous chemicals which can degrade the quality of water leading to poisonous water supply in your garden.

      Why Should You Hire a Reticulation Repair Expert?

      A reticulation expert can fix from minor issues to major issues. They will first perform a complete inspection and assess for any faulty parts. Once they detect an issue, they will work on resolving them step-by-stem. They will guide you through the entire process of repairing. After finding all the wear and tear, they will start fixing it. Once they are done with repair, consult them for replacements or any add on device you want to install. You can also ask questions from them regarding preventive maintenance tips.

      You can ask them to install smart controllers which helps in monitoring water schedules. Similarly, there are devices to check moisture level in soil. Another great device is installing wi-fi, this allows you to  control your reticulation system from your smartphone.

      Qualities to Look For in Your Reticulation Repair Expert

      Check for the company credentials, licence, and testimonials of their previous clients. See if they provide guarantee on parts. We at Rockingham Water Bores offer customised solutions to our customers across Perth region and scrutinise each issue with utmost sincerity. Whether you need maintenance service or calling for repair, we offer quick and quality service. Get in touch with us today for a lush and healthy green garden.

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