Everything You Need to Know About Adding a Swimming Pool to Your Home

As winter draws to a close and the days start to warm, many people begin to dread the sweltering summertime weather and their minds drift towards getting a pool to escape the heat.

You will need to hire an excavator, but what else should you consider before digging out a pool-sized hole on your property? Let’s dive into the deep end and find out everything you need to know about adding a swimming pool to your home.

1. Do You Need a Pool?

The short answer is, no, you don’t need a pool to survive the Australian heat, but it is a nice addition to your home where you can spend quality time with the kids and have friends over for some respite from the sun after a barbecue.

If your home is in the right area, a swimming pool will add a lot of value to your property and will increase its appeal when it’s time to sell.

Swimming is the best low-impact exercise you can do, and it works every muscle group in your body. After the initial expense of pool installation contractors and hiring earth moving contractors near you, weekly expenses of a swimming pool can be as affordable as gym membership or a regular weekend trip to the public swimming pool.

Swimming pools make an excellent focal point for a landscaping project where you can do more than enjoy a view of the plants. When designing your pool area, professional landscapers, and earthmovers can help you create an area of your home that will make you feel like you’re on holiday without the luggage and plane fares.

2. What Will a Pool Cost?

How much a pool costs will depend on the material you choose. Custom designed concrete pools are the most expensive and can cost upwards of $50,000, depending on the size. A fibreglass pool of comparable size can be had for around $25,000 and up. You will need to factor in the cost of the excavators for a more accurate estimate.

3. Your Block of Land?

A swimming pool is easier to install on a level site. Sloping land, or sites requiring extensive use of earth moving contractors for land restructuring will add to the cost of the pool.

Ground conditions can make more work for your digger for hire if it’s laden with rocks, has a high water table, or the soil is sandy or otherwise unstable.

Land size will determine what sized pool you can install, but earth moving contractors near you will need access to the yard. There may be extra labour involved in pulling down and re-erecting fencing or redoing landscaping if any of these features block access to your yard.

4. Pool Location?

Other factors to think about are the surrounding properties. Buildings that throw shade on your block will limit where you can locate a pool.

Local Brisbane council and building regulations such as pool fencing, coverage allowance, and proximity to storm water drains will all have a say in where the digger can excavate.

Professional excavators will always check with the state’s Dial Before You Dig service to ensure no utilities will get in the way of building your pool.

5. Do You Prefer Above Ground or Inground?

Above ground pools are more affordable, and your digger will not have as much work, but there’s something special about an in-ground pool the above-ground varieties fail to capture.

The most affordable swimming pools are the prefabricated above-ground versions. Most are created from fibreglass or steel and include a vinyl liner.

If you live on a steep block of land, you should talk to earth moving contractors near you to learn about your options. An above ground pool with a deck is an attractive option when excavator access is challenging.

6. Concrete or Fibreglass – Which is Better?

Most pool owners choose between concrete or fibreglass. Composite fibreglass technology has improved in recent years, making strength less of an issue between these and steel-reinforced in-ground concrete pools.

A sprayed concrete pool will take about 3 months to install from start to finish, and fiberglass pools take even longer. You may also experience delays due to severe weather.

When choosing a customised design rather than an “off-the-shelf” pool, a concrete pool offers more flexible options regarding depth and shape.

Fibreglass pools are pre-moulded so an excavator will dig the ground to create a snug fit for your selected shape.

7. How Much Does Pool Maintenance Cost?

While a pool can add value to your home, there is still a significant upfront installation cost, plus regular maintenance, and a time investment (other than swimming and having fun) once it’s filled and ready for use.

After the initial cost of excavators, hiring diggers, and the cost of the pool installation, a pool will add to your water and electricity bill. You can choose to maintain chemical levels yourself, but these will need regular top-ups.

An average sized pool pump will add between $800 and $1200 to your power bill each year. Other expenses may include a professional pool clean and maintenance service and heating for all-year-round swimming.

Even a pool that is unused will require regular maintenance. However, the costs may be worth it if you and your family regularly visit public pools, which can run upwards of $50 to $60 for one visit. If you plan to use the pool for exercise, ongoing pool costs may be comparable to a pool or gym membership.

8. Family Safety

Sadly, even the best pool fences will not keep clever toddlers from accessing the pool area, especially if there are nearby furniture items they can climb. Families with young children will want to carefully consider the safety ramifications of a pool.

Swimming schools will teach young children the necessary water safety measures that can save lives, but it’s impossible to eliminate all the safety risks associated with having a body of water on your property.

Adding a swimming pool to your home is a fun way to improve you and your family’s quality of life. They are a versatile addition you can use for quality family time, entertaining friends, and keeping fit.

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