Paid Ads Guide for Real-Estate Agents

Increasing brand awareness and clients is a key part of any service provider and there is no better way to do that than running paid ads for your business or service. Paid ads are the main medium through which promotions are carried out these days but they are only effective if they are executed correctly. We will now discuss the things you need to consider in advance before you start preparing ads for your service.

Establish Clear Goals

The first thing you need to establish is what exactly your audience goals are as there will be different targets for buyers and sellers. You will have a different approach if you are targeting people who are looking to buy a house and a different approach if you are targeting those who are looking to sell their house.

The nature of your ads will also depend on whether you want to achieve lead generation through them or just increase your brand awareness and audience. You must consider these factors so that you can shape your ads accordingly.

Set Budget Accordingly

Now that you know what your goals are and what you want to achieve, you can set your budget accordingly. The budget for paid ads should revolve around the sales target you have set as spending more on ads usually leads to increased customers which leads to more income. It works like a chain; more often than not, you get your money’s worth through the results of the paid ads.

Do try to keep in mind the industry average for paid ads as well so that you can have a general idea regarding what amount will be enough for you to achieve the goals you have set.

Print Ads

Print ads are evergreen and a constant in the business world, even today. You can use most forms of print ads to promote your services such as newspapers, flyers, and magazines.

Newspapers have been a part of human life for decades and they will be a huge part of our lives for the foreseeable future as well considering how they are a reliable source for regular news and how they give us a much-needed break from looking at screens of different gadgets. People also looked through newspapers for ages to see real estates they can buy and have used it as a medium to sell.

Flyers are quite an efficient and attractive way to get people to know about your business. They are visually attractive and can easily get your message across. It helps a great deal if the posters are well designed and no need to worry if designing and editing is not your thing as you can use professional service flyers from PosterMyWall, resize them for free and even make your online ads as well. You can find a huge variety of professional services flyers on their website and there is a separate and diverse variety that you can use to make real estate ads.

Magazines are widely used as well and are a suitable place for your ad. Just make sure to target the ones which are read most in the locality you want to operate in so that you can get the people you want to see your ads.

Outdoor Ads

Outdoor ads are pretty effective if they are used in the correct locations. You can place your ad on billboards and even on benches at bus stops. Both these things are ever present around us and seeing ads on them just incorporates the image in a person’s mind and does a great job in increasing your awareness. Be it bus stops where a large number of people gather daily or a billboard which so many people see while traveling within the city.

Social Media & Online Ads

We are living in a digital world where social media and online websites are kings. This naturally makes running ads on them the right and profitable thing to do.

Almost all leading social media websites and websites, in general, allow you to run ads now. Be it Facebook, Instagram, or even Youtube. You can even make use of Google ads & Gmail ads.

You will have to customize your ads according to the website you plan to run them on. A text ad would be suitable on Google and Gmail. An ad with pictures would be ideal for Instagram while a video ad is just tailor-made for Youtube. Both a picture ad and a video ad would go well on Facebook.

Make Use of Options in Targeted Ads

The best thing about running ads on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram is the numerous options and layers they allow us to add to our paid ads. These options will enable you to reach the target audience you set for yourself before you started with your paid ads.

You can focus exactly on your target area and location by adding the zip code of that particular area which would result in just people in that locality seeing your ad. Features such as this optimize the ads and maximize the benefit of paid ads.

Choose the demographics by choosing the age ranges you want to focus on. For example, the majority of young people will have no interest in purchasing real estate and the majority of them won’t have the resources to buy real estate either.

Facebook also allows you to target by home ownership and income. Both these things would give you a good enough idea if that person would be interested in buying real estate or not. A person with a low income will most probably not be interested in real estate ads and similarly, those who already own a house won’t be interested either.

You can also target based on the person’s interests. There is even a feature that allows you to target people who are looking to move or are likely to move.

All these features and options combine to help you in running highly targeted ads to reach the exact audience you want and increase the likelihood of the ads resulting in success.


Finally, you should look to invest heavily in your ads during peak times and seasons. The peak season in each area and state varies according to the temperature there and other varying factors. Be aware of the laws regarding real estate ads so that everything is done correctly.

There’s no fixed formula for successful ads as it depends a lot according to the nature of business and other factors so don’t be afraid to experiment with your ads. Try new things and experiment until you find the thing that works best for you so that these ads make you the successful real estate agent you want to be!

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